Sunday, August 26, 2012


Back home again but our hearts are still with Jason. 

After feeling so good when going to bed last night it was awful to hear that Carolin was called at 3:30 this morning and told that Jason had spiked another fever and had possibly had a seizure.  The nurses did tell her that he had been put on anti seizure medication right away and his fever was already down so there was no need for her to come to the hospital.   A bright spot was that even after a rough night he still gave a thumbs up on command when one of the Dr.'s came in this morning.    That's all of you working thru him - he is not giving up no matter what gets thrown his way!

A few times during the day they did put bags filled with ice under his arms and he was given Tylenol to help keep the fever from going up as well and it all seemed to work because most of the day he wavered between 101 - 99.5.  At one point they did have to put his oxygen mask back on but by late afternoon he was back to just the nose prong air.   He is no longer acting like his head hurts and slept pretty much all day.  His face, which has been etched in so much pain for the past 12 days seemed to relax as the hours went by so we are really hoping it is easing up a tiny bit for his body.

Later in the day the infectious disease, (ID), specialist came in and examined Jason.  He had blood drawn to see if he had any bacteria growing in his blood stream.  He was not ready to make any guesses as to what to rule in or out but did say that when a patient is lying in bed for a long time and has lots of tubes going in and out there is more of a potential for bacteria to grow.   As a precaution he changed his antibiotic to a different broad spectrum one, added a second antibiotic, and an anti fungal to cover all bases.  As it turned out one of the blood cultures did show positive signs of bacteria - but the other one didn't so they drew more blood this evening to determine if the positive result was just a contaminated sample or if he really does have something going on.  We should have the results of that in the morning and if it is positive as well we will hopefully know by Tuesday just what bacteria it is and treat accordingly.
The ID doctor did tell us he does not have a UTI.  Good - he doesn't need any more to deal with than he already is!

So we start another week with hope in our hearts that once we are on top of these medical bumps we can get back to working on the challenges ahead with Jason's brain function.  We really have been so grateful that these bumps have been fairly short and solvable.

We are so grateful to Lancaster General Hospital for providing a free apartment to Carolin as long as she needs it.  The Doubletree Resort, where Jason has been working for over a year now, (and Carolin's brother works as well), has been incredibly generous to our family and opened their arms to us staying with them each chance we get to visit our precious son.

Both sets of families continue to be overwhelmed with people's generosity, kindness, and thoughtfulness. Prayers continue in different churches, temples, synagogues and people's homes.  Thank you, thank you to everyone for loving Jason as you do!

 Tap Dance Solo in Crazy For You


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    1. We continue to hold Jason in our hearts and prayers, as do so many others!
