Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sunday Prayers

A lot of things going on in the past day.  As his sister, Allison, has posted, " lots of mini miracles happening!"  Even with some setbacks this week he's still staying strong and continuing to fight!

Though he remains unconscious those of us in the room when they try to brush his teeth can truly see that Jason spirit.  He definitely does not like when the nurses do anything around his mouth and yesterday while they were using the little soft brush to do so he bit down on it and wouldn't let go!  The nurses were still talking about it into the day and it gave us all more inspiration to cheer for our J.

Then last night again while the nurse was working around his mouth Carolin was by his side, (as she usually is),  when he got agitated.  The nurse said to Carolin, "Is that his eye open?", and sure enough his left eye definitely was and he was trying with his right. (It's too swollen right now to get open.)  It only lasted a very very short time but we will take it!  Carolin said when she then put her forehead to his he calmed down and allowed the nurse to finish.  There is no doubt in any of our minds he reacts to Carolin's voice.

This morning his trauma doctor did report a small deflation in one area of his left lung but wasn't too concerned since the monitors showed no significant change.  Through out the day they have lowered the vent settings lower and lower and at this point he is doing most of the breathing on his own.  We continue now to wait for the go ahead to do the tracheotomy - hopefully by Tuesday.  Then on to getting that brain up and going!

I'll end now with another post from Allison's FB page, which I think says it for all of us, "if I didn't before I certainly believe in the power of prayer. I believe with all my heart he is going to be that miracle story. He is my amazing brother and has amazing strength-  keep it up J and keep the prayers coming everyone! Thank you for all the love and support!"

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