Monday, August 20, 2012


This day has just continued with great news about Jason!  Late this afternoon he had his MRI and Carolin called and gave Aaron the results which we got a short time ago. 

There is no neck injury!  After such a strong impact not even a torn ligament!  This means the neck brace he has had the past week is going to be removed tonight.  It also showed the collar bone and orbital bones are healing well so definitely no surgery.  So now the big decision for the pulmonary team is whether to do the tracheostomy or will his lungs be okay without any further intervention.  The fact that we could even be saying maybe he can be off the ventilator all together - when a week ago we were told two weeks on it is incredible.  Even if they do decide to do the trach we will be so happy to see him free of all the mouth intrusions.

As far as his brain injury we will have to wait for his neurologist to read the MRI early tomorrow morning.  I'm not exactly sure if that will impact the decision above as I know in order to have no tubes at all his brain has to function enough to be able to clear his throat on his own.  So it's a bit complicated and he's healing so rapidly physically it seems to change quickly.  (Although in reality each hour we wait for changes seems to be twenty four!)

When they did the MRI they did have to give him more sedation medication and once they stopped that he became very aggitated again this evening.  Carolin had to cut her conversation short a bit while talking to Aaron as the nurses actually came to get her to calm him down.  At this stage in the game this is very unusual to have him responding so to her soothing voice.  We are believing this is another sign our Jason is just waiting to wake up and come back to us. 

The nurses and respitory staff have told us Jason and the amazing support of his family and friends have really touched them.    And each day we hear of more and more people of every faith joining the wave of prayer.  Jason has always been a gentle peace maker and one day soon I hope we can show him all of you who have united in prayer for him.  Keep praying for our sweet man!


  1. I can't believe he's healed so much in a week! Every little miracle makes us so happy. Thanks for keeping the updates coming, we wish we could be there more and this is a great way to keep up to date on how he's doing.

  2. WOW!!! The power of love & prayer is just amazing!!! Every little improvement shows us "moore" and "moore" how this power works!! Hang in there Shepard family, keep the faith and we'll continue with our love and prayers!

