Sunday, September 16, 2012


There is so much to blog about that I think I will have to divide this up into more than one post!  What an incredible weekend from start to finish!

Starting with Carolin's daily update Thursday that Jason had been shown some words to read and he got them 100% correct on the first try.  Another thing he can recall and won't have to relearn - so wonderful!  His physical therapy went well also.

Friday we were very hopeful we would see a big crowd at the Crossing's Ruby's and all of you wonderful incredible friends and family who showed up made that hope into reality.  We were absolutely blown away!  Having called ahead the Shepard family had big long table down the middle on one side of the restaurant and we had 18 of us around it.  As other friends arrived they lined the booths and tables all around us and then extended onto the other side of the place.  It felt like the old days as we saw so many people from the FHS theater days - it was fun to catch up and good to see the other "techie" parents, (or should I say "ugly heads"  ;)   So many of Allison's friends were there to support her brother, and so many other very good true friends to us.
Matt Kinney was there and he's the man we really have to thank for putting this together!  Guess we won't find out the totals until after tonight since it just ended but I'm excited to see what we all together achieved.  Word coming down is that Matt is going to try to do one of these occassionally so will get you dates of the next one when available.

Next up is the October 12th Benefit


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