We arrived Saturday morning to find him in the front lobby where he was in his wheelchair all ready to get outside in the sun. As soon as he saw us come in he said, "Hi Momma!" I was thrilled! Brian had given David a RG3 jersey, (for those not Redskin fans that stands for Robert Griffin III, who is the Redskins new player who is supposed to be awesome), for Father's Day but they talked it over and decided David would give it to Jason. So David told Jason he had something for him and explained and held up the jersey. Jason read the name, "Griffin" out loud and then within seconds said, "Cornelius?". Again for those who aren't big Redskin fans, Cornelius Griffin, was a very good player on the team a few years back. So this was amazing that Jason related Griffin to a past player he remembered! RG3 is new this year so that really wasn't as important to us as him remembering something from a few years ago. He thanked his Dad several times. :D We strolled outside for awhile then sat and had a very pleasant time chatting with him and Carolin. As David describes it it's like talking to different parts of Jason at different moments - sometimes he sounds like a little boy needing reassurance - especially from Carolin - that everything is okay and she is happy. At other times he sounds almost like the Jason we know and then at others like someone very old. He is starting to have more expression on his face and not sounding as monotoned as he did the week before. Though his eyes don't have his usual bright twinkling light you can see the change coming and maybe when we go back this weekend we will see it even more. It was so nice to hear him say, "I miss you too", and "I love you too", a number of times and a few times without me saying it to him first. At one point when we were back up in his room I caught him staring at me and when I smiled at him I got a smile back - mind you not full teeth - but it made my heart soar none the less - and tears came when he then spontaneously said, "I love you". Oh what a highlight of the whole day!
All of the talking really wears him out and he was exhausted after a while - especially since he had done a lot in therapy earlier, so while he took a nap we got some lunch and by then Allison and Andre had arrived. I took Mia for a walk while they went up with David to visit. He recognized them and they were thrilled with how great he looked and seeing him awake and talking since they hadn't seen him since he was in the Trauma Center.
After he took another little rest Carolin brought him back downstairs and we strolled Mia along next to him. We eventually ended up inside where he sat with us, Carolin, Andre and Allie, and Mia, and Carolin's Dad was there as well. Clearly it was too many people and too much input coming into his brain as you could see him pretty much shut down right in front of us.
It's so hard when he's doing so well, and you want him to be himself, to remember he is still on a long journey - even if a miraculous one - and he easily gets overloaded with too much stimulus. As someone said it's like a computer that got a virus and is slowly recovering lost information. Start trying to do too much at that time and the computer will freeze and shut down. It was obvious he needed a break and he and Carolin headed back to his room for some quiet time. Unfortunately that was the exact time his Uncle Doug, Aunt MaryK, and cousin Phil arrived from Frederick. We explained what was going on to them and they were, of course, very understanding though disappointed and decided to stay as long as possible in hopes they would still get to see him. After about an hour and a half Allison and Andre really needed to head home but Allie just felt she couldn't leave without saying good bye to her brother.
Just a word about Allie and Jason - Allison and Jason have always been close. They got along great and it was Jason who at times would patiently help her with her homework if we felt like we couldn't get an idea across. I clearly remember one time when she had to memorize all the state capitols and he knew a song to help remember them and he sat and over and over sang it with her so she would remember it. She would talk to him about her boyfriends and though her other two brothers would tease her friends everyone always said Jason was their favorite brother because he never did. When it came to trips or even sitting at the dinner table we always had the two of them sit together because we knew there would be no trouble.
He also spoke of things being expensive and costing a lot so it also seems he realizes at times the financial burden. While we were with him we watched him turn to Carolin and ask, "Whose fault was it?" She told him it was an accident and no ones fault but he insisted it had to be someone's fault. Most of these thoughts are fleeting and I'm sure overwhelming to him and his mind naturally doesn't let him dwell more than a few minutes on them. I can't tell you what an awesome thing you all are doing by so generously donating to his fund - thru the Donate button, by going to Ruby Tuesday's this past weekend, and by purchasing your tickets for the upcoming Oct. 12 fundraiser. It will be so good when he can understand that is one thing he doesn't need to worry about for a little while and to just concentrate on getting better!
Sunday he had some morning therapy where they actually got him on his knees and practiced reaching while kneeling. He also practiced eating. He is getting mostly pureed food and Carolin said he is willing to try everything but still not too enthusiastic. (Of course who can blame him!)
After a little rest his Aunt Cathy and Uncle Richard arrived and he gave them a big smile. He told them, "Wow I haven't seen you in a while." They had a quiet visit and he kissed Cathy goodbye and as Richard went to leave Jason said, "Go Skins." So cool!
Just before the Redskin game started yesterday Brian's phone rang and though it was Carolin's number showing up it was Jason on the other end when Brian answered it. He told Brian he missed him and wished he could be with him. They chatted for a few minutes before hanging up and Brian's eyes shone with tears of happiness and he had the biggest grin on his face ever!
It feels like such a gift each time Jason is lucid and says something he normally might - it's like this bubbling happy excitement!
Carolin texted us today that he is stood straight up with some assistance while walking and for the first time the physical therapist took him outside to walk and it was the longest one he has taken so far. He clearly loves being out! He also did more practicing with sitting and reaching and eating.
It is flabbergasting to think it has only been a month since his accident. To go in that short a time to being on life support, with many broken bones, laying unconcious, not moving his head, his prognosis of what he would regain uncertain to now sitting upright in a wheel chair, walking with assistance, talking more and more often cohesively can only be attributed to both his spirit and the healing prayers he feels surrounding him from all of you continuing to send messages of faith his way. With each day that passes he seems to get closer and closer to being able to come home and the dream that he will hold his baby daughter when she is born coming true!
Please don't forget to buy your tickets early for the Jason Shepard Benefit and also remember they are still accepting donations for the Silent Auction!
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