Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Beginning

Thanks to everyone for such an unbelievable outpouring of support for the Shepards and Johnstons in all of our united love for Jason!  As much as we would all love to respond to all of the supportive calls, texts, and messages, I know everyone understands we are overwhelmed. Carolin and I thought this blog would be a good way of keeping all of the people who care so much about him updated and will try to post several times a day.

I will do another update shortly with exactly what happened but wanted to get you all the information you want first.

Jason is considered in critical but stable condition at Lancaster General Hospital which is one of the best trauma centers in the country.  He is on the Trauma Neuro Unit as he does have a very badly bruised and swollen brain and has not woken up yet.  There are some positive signs as he has been responding to pain stimulus and can move all of his limbs.  He broke his collar bone as well as most of the ribs on his right side which caused multiple punctures to both of his lungs, causing them to collapse.  As a result he had to be put on a ventilator - one of the hardest things to walk in and see.  Almost all of the bones on the right side of his face were broken and though initially thought he would need surgery the orthopedist took a good look this morning and said he will not need any orthopedic surgery.  For now the priority is getting his lungs healed and that ventilator out and him breathing on his own.  We are praying like crazy he will then wake up and come back to us the Jason we all know and love.  As we've been saying, "he's a Shepard and he is strong!".

We wanted everyone to know our hearts are full with all of  the wonderful offers to come and visit and you are welcome to come to the waiting room to support the famil which we have all really been bouyed up by.  For now we are only allowing immediate family back to see Jason as he is not supposed to be stimulated in order to give his brain time to heal.  He does get very aggitated with too much.   It's agonizing not to be able to do more than hold his hand and quietly tell him we are there when we just want to wrap our arms around him!  We do know this is going to be a long journey which will involve a several week stay here and then on to a rehabilitation hospital so as Jason heals there will be lots of chances to visit directly with him and he will love it!
Know that Carolin is being sure to take care of their precious little girl and we are all making sure she is getting some sleep when possible and eating some and staying hydrated.  She has been amazing - staying strong for Jason and the baby.

We'll up date again tonight and I'll fill in more details of what happened as well!

Again - we can't tell you all enough how your love and outreach to both families has lifted us during this nightmare.

Love and Hugs  - AMY


  1. Jumbo (Hi) from Kenya,

    Being so far away makes it difficult to express how badly I feel about Jinx's accident. My friends and I here in Kenya send along this message:

    Nakutakia afya mzuri hivi karibuni, Jason.

    (Wishing you a speedy recovery. Get well soon, Jason)

    I will be sure to get up to PA to see Jinx when I get back home in mid-September.

    Kevin Moore

  2. Your family has been in my prayers since I heard the news. Stay strong - brighter days are ahead.

  3. I continue to pray for Jason daily. He was the first person (outside of my family) who ever made me feel like it was okay to be myself, that I didn't have to try to pretend to be anything or anyone other than who I was. And that has always stuck with me. Although we haven't seen or spoken to each other in a while (aside from Facebook), I still consider him a very dear friend. I will continue to pray for a speedy recovery. Give him my love & tell him 'Ash' is thinking of him.

  4. Just wanted to say we love you and pray for your speedy recovery everyday. Many more chapters to be written, many more memories to make. Get well and we will see you soon.
