Just a quick post tonight to let everyone know Jason was transported to Bryn Mawr Rehabilitation Hospital this afternoon and is now in his new room. Tomorrow he will have assessment testing done and hopefully by early next week we will know more about the total plan they have for him to regain the parts of his brain that will need retraining. We do know that learning to swallow so he can eat again will be a priority - once he does that he can get the PEG tube out and be totally tube free at last. He's already lost weight which as we all know he can't afford to do!
We are really anxious to get to the hospital tomorrow afternoon and see Jason's new surroundings and take a peek at the areas where he will be doing a lot of the hard work he has ahead of him. I'm going to bring my camera and will try to get some hospital pictures but if anyone is interested here is the website:
SAVE THE DATE! The fund raising event I mentioned last night has a confirmed date - The Jason Shepard Benefit Event will be held on Friday, October 12 near Frederick, MD. As Jason's brother's and sister's give me information I'll let you know more details but I do know that it is going to be HUGE and will include a Silent Auction. ( They have already had some pretty astounding donations for that and haven't even posted a request yet!) For those of you coming from out of town they are hoping to get a block price at a local hotel so I'll let you know as soon as I do. The important thing is mark your calendars!
(I know there are many people who want to help by holding additonal benefit events and I'll definitely keep you informed of them as I hear of them.)
I feel like I just haven't said enough or found the right words to tell all of you how much your continuing interest and loving words about Jason mean to both of his families. For me it feels like each kindness adds to the angel wings holding my heart up a little longer.
Bryn Mawr Rehab is such a wonderful facility right here in my backyard! I am sure with him being there, Jason will get amazing care and I pray that he makes all these advances quickly to bring him back to you guys. The entire Main Line Health facility is pretty awesome.