Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Miracle of Birth

If you haven't already heard Jason is a Daddy!!  Sage was born on Monday morning and she and her new Momma are doing great.  Jason saw his little girl shortly after she arrived and was thrilled and we heard he has had a big grin on his face ever since.  :D

David has been saying for weeks that he felt Jason would have a big positive change once he saw his daughter and it appears he is right!  When we spoke to Jason Tuesday night he sounded almost like himself.   He is so proud and you could hear the happiness right thru the phone.  He told us things were only going to go up again from here and we pray this will give him the next jump start.
(Not that he hasn't continued working hard in therapy but it isn't easy and he still has far to go.)  When we asked about Sage's  hair he tickled us by saying, "She's a good combination of her parental influences."  Carolin told us he is holding her like a pro and wants to be at the hospital with his new family alot of the day.

Last night we got to go up to the hospital and see them in person.  We ran into Jason in the hallway and he very steadily led us right to Carolin's room.  As soon as we saw our new granddaughter bundled up in Carolin's arms we were in love!  She is 8 lbs of sweetness!  Though Carolin is having some pain from the surgery she overall feels good and she looks wonderful. Carolin agrees there is a lot of Jason in her face and apparently she is already sleeping with her arms up by her head just like he does!  David and I both got to cuddle Sage and then it was time for a few pictures.  It was very emotional to see Jason holding his daughter.  To think that less than three months ago we were sitting by Jason's bedside at the hospital Brain Trauma Unit praying so longingly for him to wake up and get to this moment in unbelievable.  These are truly miraculous pictures and a testament to his strong will to be there for Carolin and his child.

We have pictures with David and each of his children with their newborns in the hospital but up until recently it was still uncertain if we would get to have one with our beloved Jason.  After so much pain and so many prayers these past few months the feeling of joy to have these happy moments is almost overwhelming.

With each new life comes the promise of a new start.  And I thought what one of Carolin's close friends said is perfect - this isn't the start of a new chapter but the start of a whole new book for Jason and Carolin!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

So Thankful

I am so thankful that everyone we know has come through Hurricane Sandy safely!  Perhaps some structural damage,  loss of trees,  loss of electricity, etc. - but nothing that can't be replaced.  My heart goes out to those who lost entire homes and even more the loss of loved ones.

Jason is doing well physically and will soon have his opthomology appointment to determine if there is permanent damage to his right eye or if it on the path to hopefully full use again.   The paper work for Acadia looks like it's gone thru and any day the letter should arrive to confirm that.  This afternoon Jason had a tour of the facilities and hopefully he will be as excited as we are with all of the wonderful  things they offer.  As he has been regaining more and more understanding, one of the biggest things at the moment is helping him deal with feeling badly about what he's lost and the hard work ahead of him.   Acadia specializes in TBI patients and knows this is common and normal and Jason will be going to some of the sessions geared towards helping him to cope with this.
It's very painful watching him begin to go thru what we know, from reading and talking to other TBI patients, is normal.  We try to tell ourselves this is actually a good sign but it is so hard knowing the frustration he is feeling.

Last Saturday Allison, Mia, and my Mom, (Jason's Grannie), drove up to see him for a little while.  It was a little sticky at first when he decided he didn't want to see anyone that day but eventually he did visit with them.  He especially seemed to enjoy playing with Mia.

David and I are hoping to take him and Carolin to brunch this Saturday at one of their favorite restaurants, (Cracker Barrel), and hope that will be something he will want to do and enjoy.

With all of the devastation from Sandy it's been hard to ask for prayers and financial help but this is the weekend of Ruby's Give Back fundraiser for Jason - Nov. 3-4-5 so perhaps knowing you are getting a meal at the same time you are helping Jason will encourage everyone to come for a meal - or several meals - at one of the Frederick locations.  We are probably going to be there at 6:30 this Saturday night if anyone wants to join us.   Don't forget to go to the fan page to download a flier to bring along so your 20% gets donated!

And please add some prayers for Jason's continued growth and to give him the strength and courage to keep fighting this tough battle!